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Monday, November 26, 2012

Windows 8 sales on the slow side

Posted by David Bernstein

As with every new operating system release you have to wonder if it’s going to be a smash or a bust and sometimes is right in between. With the latest operating system offering from Microsoft now officially in full swing only time will tell if we will have another Vista or ME on our hands.

Windows 8 was released in October and people are already wondering if it will catch on and be the next big OS or not. But so far, everywhere you look sales have been a little disappointing and below estimates. The interest in Windows 8 at the enterprise level is only half that of Windows 7 during the same period in the operating systems' release cycles. Right before the release of Windows 7, 49% of North American and European IT hardware purchasers were interested in the new version of the OS. Just before the release of Windows 8, only 24% were interested.

It seems that the best chance Windows 8 has for success is going to be in the smartphone and tablet market from new smartphone users or from current users who are not happy with Apple or Android and want something different. With its new interface being applied to PCs it may be real hard to get people to “upgrade” to Windows 8 and have to learn how to use their computer again.

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