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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Consumers taking their time upgrading to Windows 8

Posted by Jim Bernstein

It seems that Windows 7 just recently got here but in fact it has been out since July of 2009 and Microsoft is wanting us to upgrade again even though we are just now getting used to our Windows 7 PCs. And most people are happy with their Windows 7 PCs and don’t like spending the time and money to upgrade already.

Well it seems as though most Windows users don’t have any immediate plans to upgrade to Windows 8 any time soon and in fact the latest Microsoft operating system is not getting the warm response Microsoft has hoped for. Windows 8 is designed to run on smartphones, tablets and PCs and shares the same interface between them which may be why many don’t want to upgrade. The new interface is drastically different than Windows 7 even though there are still some familiarities such as the Windows desktop and taskbar.

Antivirus firm Avast did a survey showing the less than stellar response to Windows 8 shown by the people surveyed. 6 out of 10 people surveyed were aware of the new Windows OS but only 9% said they would speed up the process to buy a new computer just to have Windows 8 and 70% decided to stick with what they had. In fact, many corporations are still rolling out Windows 7 to replace Windows XP computers in the office and other people in the survey said they will be switching to a Mac.

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